stay away, once they get you in you will be subject to endless delays, and over run with unnecessary tests and procedures.
adding insult to injury is the lack of information provided to the patient,
simple question when is the doctor coming to check up on the patient
is met with we don't know and we don't have any idea!
But you can"t leave because we are so concerned and you are getting the best care.. mom had a scheduled procedure at 10am and had to arrive by 9am, guess when she had the procedure 12:30, excuse the doctor which was assigned by the hospital seems to have a procedure run long,
I wonder why, and it seems that perhaps there may be another dr. who
can do this procedure. feeding tube installation which could have been out patient, but since my mom had medicare and secondary insurance
was a prime target for sky's the limit billing. And extend the stay due
to delays at every phase of the treatment . It takes over 4 hours for
the patient records to transfer from one department to another,
Better do back to the paperbinder on the patient bed if you can
get your act together.
Big mission statement at Honor Health is a cruel joke.