I was trying so damn hard to school these fools around here about PinkBerry/RedMango goodness and then bam- I happen to stumble in on Ice Tango.
It was like a force of nature that great day. I was searching for a place to hang before an appt and considered nearby Starbucks. But then, I see this place and ran inside screaming "Are you like Pinkberry!?!" The girls then gave me yummy samples and I was in heaven again.
My pic- the regular tangytart with carob chips and strawberries.
The next day I hit the north location after a day at the pool. My friend in tow, I turned her on to my discovery and FINALLY another Phx friend knew the pleasure I had been describing.
I am thinking about pomegranate with pineapple right about now.
Thank you Ice Tango!