Would not recommend this gym to anyone, no one puts there weights back, and being disabled makes it hard to put other people's heavy weights back.I picked LA Fitness because I need to have a pool and sauna for my cardio do to my disability and I have asked management 4 different times about people not showering off before entering the pool and Sauna they blew me off about putting up a sign that people can read before they enter, the sign they have is just the pool rules right by the hot tub there isn't even one for the pool. They told me after the 3rd time I pointed it out that the sign they have will have to do. So today was the last straw as I watched two men go from the hit room sweaty like they took a bath and go straight in he pool soI terminated my contract today. When I told them why all the lady said yeah no one listens, I was like wow how does this place stay in business. Well you have been warned about the nasty facilities. Hope this helps someone make a decision. Thanks for your time. CSM (R) Martinez