Dick's sucks. I was looking for a place to re-string my tennis racquets and walked into my local Dick's. The cashier told me that I would have to go upstairs to the Lodge desk and someone would look over the racquets for cracks and then I would need to pick out strings and come back, pay for them, then take them back to the desk. Okay, no problem. Go upstairs and go to the Lodge desk and it was unattended. Waited about 5 minutes. Noone in sight. Some manager type walking the floor came over and asked if he can help and I said, yes, I want to get my racquets re-strung. He said - you have to go to the Golf desk. I told him okay - the cashier told me Lodge desk, just FYI. Head to the Golf desk and pick up my strings along the way - guess what - unattended. Waited about 5-7 minutes - noone in sight. Got frustrated with the whole process and looked up other options on my phone. Put the strings back where I found them and left. Wasted 30 minutes in the store with no help. Avoid.