Played this course today! It was super windy but man I just love playing golf; so that's not a big let down factor for me! After all we are reviewing the golf course right not the weather lol.
Anyway we are local so it's nice to get a resident discount when we play here in Vegas! There are so many amazing beautiful courses out here: Siena is definitely fall under that category! It's beautiful out here! Fairways are well maintained and the grass in the green are very grassy and challenging!
Some holes are definitely tougher than others especially when there are ponds involved! Lol. But I just love how the fairways are very wide open, it's kinda hard to miss especially if you are a mediocre player!
My husband and I went with 2 of our friends today. Him and the other guy are a very good player been playing probably 30years. Didn't have any issue driving the ball and landing it on fairways but they do have a challenging putt. And I played from the green tee; which is pretty far from their black and hit by their balls everytime. And we have a beginner player and he was also able to keep up with us!
Great course after all! And very beautiful views!