Ice Cream! Summer is vastly approaching so it's about that time to start trying all of the ice cream shops I can find. I'll be honest I eat ice cream all year round but for the sake of this review I went on a day that was 80 degrees. Golden Cow was very easy for me to find but beware there's like NO parking. I played myself trying to go into the parking garage that is next door but access was denied . I was about to de discouraged but managed to find a parking spot on the block ahead. Now on to the ice cream. They had a variety of flavors and the prices were decent. Then I saw it! Dunkaroos ice cream! Did y'all have Dunkaroos when y'all were a kid?! Cute little cookies that you dunk in a cream. I had to try this flavor even though usually I go for a chocolate based flavor. Needless to say it did Dunkaroos justice and I'm definitely going to be back to try more flavors. I believe they are also opening up another location with more dare I say "Adult" flavors. So yes go to Golden Cow and get a cone.