I went with a friend and ordered the raw burger, which was ok. The house salad that came with the burger was AMAZING though. Best salad I have ever had. The food wasn't the problem, it was the older gentleman that works there. He came to the table to ask us how the food was, we told him it was fine. But then he tried to convince me to spray some kind of salt spray on my food to try it out.(There are bottles of this spray on all the tables) I'm not a big salt person so I said "No, thank you, it's just great the way it is." He pushed even more for me to try it. I just wanted to enjoy my food and have my conversation with my friend. After I told him very nicely that I wasn't interested in trying it, he mumbled a bunch of stuff. The only thing I made out clearly was "I guess you're going to eat your food the way YOU WANT to, that's fine." Which I found incredibly rude. There was a lady about 1 feet away waiting for a juice she ordered who saw and heard the whole thing. She gave me a "what was that about" kind of look.
Not the best experience. I won't be returning. Which is a shame, because that sure was one delicious salad.