All you need to know about this company is to look at how they respond to reviews. Most professional companies will try to satisfy their uhappy customers needs and this business (I use the term loosely) responds with belittling remarks and insults. They lie and have excuses for everyone who has left a bad review. I guess its everyone else who is the problem, not Anjile Cleaning! I have never seen such horrible customer service. It was shocking. I would be amazed if this company is still in business 6 months from now. Nobody who has taken a risk on this company has been happy. The owner acts like a little kid. She always has to be right and always has to have the last word. Lets wait and see what "professional" response she writes to this review.
The world would be better off if this company never existed.
Consider my rating to be a negative 5.
***UPDATE*** Their response below is all you need to know. Very ignorant, rude, unprofessional company. Owner lies and directs the blame at anyone but herself. If your reading this save yourself the trouble and don't use this company. They are unfit to even clean houses.