I have lived here for 3 years and up until now I've loved it. Our property management company & owners love us since we are good renters but the HOA in this place is such a pain in the ass we are finally moving. Even though it's located on the green belt you are not allowed to store your bicycles on your patio. You have to apply for a spot on their storage bike room and sign a liability waiver that if something happens it's not their fault. Also, no grills on your patio and no nothing on your patio that isn't patio furniture. This is difficult because besides your bedroom closets there is no storage in the units not even a linen closet. The worst of it all is that even though owners and managent company approved our lease with a large dog, HOA is trying to fine us for her being over weight limit of their CCR's. Beware if you don't own a little yappy dog that tries to attack everything your gentle giant is not welcome at all!! The HOA has fined us over & over till we have finally gotten tired of their harassment and watching our every moved and now we are gladly leaving. It's sad that our owner will lose great tenants because their HOA has nothing more important to worry about than how much they THINK your dog weighs.