I have to echo similar sentiments to other posters about the noise level in this library. DO NOT COME HERE IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A QUIET PLACE TO STUDY OR READ. I'm in my mid-twenties as well and have a small child. So I would say I'm not that out of touch with society, people's needs in a library, etc. It's not just how rude most patrons are about talking loudly, or the staff's disinterest in reminding people to "talk in your inside voice" (Remember hearing that phrase as kids? I still teach my kid that concept.) But it's the multiple tutoring sessions with children taking place all over the library...at full volume...and right on top of one another. I'm a student myself and am trying to study as well, but it's extremely difficult to do when you are also hearing math lessons on measurements, grammar lessons on prepositions, and conversations about a kid swallowing a quarter all going on around you. Right out in the open. It's rude and inconsiderate of people to host lessons in out there like that. They should be held in a conference room in the library, at the child's school, or heck even a fast food restaurant where wifi is free and noise and conversation is acceptable to be had there. I don't understand why the staff allows these tutoring lessons to take place all over the library. It completely undermines the purpose of the library.