So at 10:38 on 11/22/2016, my girlfriend and I went to this location on the way to work. As we were ordering from the drive through the cashier, which was not wearing a name tag, told my girlfriend that they did not have the holiday turkey panini and asked if she would like something else instead. My girlfriend said she doesnt know since she doesnt have a menu in front of her. She did remeber that she wanted the holiday cookie so she order it. The cashier responded with "what". My girlfriend thought she couldnt hear her so repeated herself again. The cashier responded again with what. This happened a couple more times and each time her "what" came with more attitude. Eventually the cashier said, " the snowman cookie". She just gave us a statement not a question like "Do you mean the snowman cookie?" Or "Are you referring to the snowman cookie?" I, myself, manage in the food and beverage industry and I have to say that her customer service was absolutely terrible. First of all you can not expect us to know the menu and give us attitude if we do not know what a certain item is called. Second, if it was because the cashier couldn't hear us clearly, instead of giving us attitude and saying what, let us know you can't hear/understand us. Terrible...