First let me start by saying we didn't use this vehicle as a means of transport, we were nearly hit by a suburban by one of their maniac drivers who thought it was comical. Three girls were walking across the crosswalk at 10pm at night and this guy speeding through a 15mph zone decided to race through to the valet/passenger drop off line of Monte Carlo almost hitting us. If we weren't paying attention we would've been hit for sure. As we jump out of the way we're telling him hey watch where the hell youre going and he decides to flip us off and throw all kinds of hands signs at us. Not only was he a wreck less driver, he thought it was hilarious he nearly hit three girls. We emailed the company to let them know but they decided it wasn't a situation that should be addressed. So that's the behavior this company condones I guess. After reading other reviews about how terrible the management is at this company I'm not surprised at all. Way too many good transportation companies in this town to waste your time on a garbage one such as ODS. Be a respectable person and use a respectable company.