2005 Mini Cooper S Convertible: allow me to begin by stating, I have been searching for this vehicle for almost a year. I have seen countless "perfect coops" and failed to buy any of them. After a redeye flight from Maryland to Arizona, I examed this Mini Cooper and although it had several minor issues with it, it was mechanically and for the most part cosmetically sound, far better than any other I had seen. This on top of my correspondence with Brandon Watson made this interaction very pleasurable. Subsequent to the purchase of the vehicle, I return back to Maryland with the vehicle. I drove it all 2200 miles back to Maryland. I began again corresponding with Brandon regarding a second key for the vehicle. He went above and beyond what most dealerships would do to accommodate me.
Anyone considering a vehicle from this dealer can rest comfortably in knowing, it is what they say it is! I would suggest that you do all negotiating prior to your arrival, do not arrive with the intentions of any further reductions it won't happen.