I posted a review before and I am pretty sure the cab company flagged it because it was quoting some of the racist comments their cab driver said to me. But I will be posting it again because they have done NOTHING to rectify the situation. Cab driver in car #5428 who is a bald Indian man with glasses told me to go "f*** myself and that I should watch my mouth ni**er" because I noticed that he was taking us the longer way to drive up the meter. I called thier office to report them and they just apologized and refused to give me the cab driver's license number to report him to authorities. Then a woman named Nicole responded to my previous yelp review asking for details like the date 2/15 and the time it occurred around 9pm we were picked up from The Venetian and a 10 minute trip(according to the GPS directions that my phone suggested that night ( turned into almost 30 minutes. This is a despicable cab company who has racists working for them and they do NOTHING about it. Nicole, I am still waiting to hear how you plan to handle the situation and still waiting for his cab license information. Thank you!