I am a bath lover. I don't want to hear any of this "how do you get clean sitting in your own filth" crap. First of all-- how dirty ARE you? And secondly-- showers are for getting clean but a bath is a Human Soup spiked with relaxation, serenity and escape. Throw in a Lush bath bomb and you're pretty close to heaven.
The sales people are really friendly. Normally I hate chatty sales people as I feel pressured and think they're just chatting to make a sale. At Lush, I never feel pressured and once I tell a sales associate that I'm just having a wander, they back off. If anyone else approaches me while I browse it's usually just casual conversation. On the other hand, some Lush products can be confusing... their shampoos are all in disks and there are strange wedges of delicious smelling stuff that all look like cheese or chocolate (points for the hunger factor). It's nice to be able to approach the sales people and get such delicious information. They all seem very passionate about everything in the store.
The Alkmaar soap is a long time fave of mine with it's gorgeous jasmine scent. I'm not a fan of the bath bombs that have sparkles in them, as they tend to get everywhere, but I love the one with the rose petals. Avobath, a yummy green one with Avocado oil is another fave.I always grab a few of these before I go on vacation because we always try to get a room with a jacuzzi. If you have a jacuzzi tub these Lush products take on a whole level of amazing!
The bubble baths are fantastic with bubbles that seem to last forever....
Conclusion? Lush is an amazing company with a unique niche market of products and a loyal cult following. I am proud to be a cult member!