Two words for this place: money pit. Parents come here to spend money on their children, so there is no reason why they can't make this place cool if they put some effort into it. (Maybe make less ridiculous commercials and spend money investing in your product offerings.) Here are some highlights:
1) the rides last for 15-20 seconds. (Then your kid starts screaming for more until you swipe your card again.) How about a ride that lasts 60 seconds?
2) salad bar is disgusting. Products don't look fresh and variety is a joke. Jello mold doesn't count as a salad topping for me - sorry.
3) $2.29 for a juice box (not even organic.) Come on.
4) pizza is okay. I'm not expecting a culinary experience when I come here, but you can at least try to aim for dominos quality pizza. That would be acceptable (especially since you're charging $19 for a large pizza).
5) the games could be better; more exciting than a slow moving train THAT I HAD TO PUSH to get it around the corners.
Again, I don't mind spending money on my child, but I want her to have fun. 15 second slow lame rides are not amusing to even my 2 yr old. Seriously, stop being lame.