I love hot dogs and now I happen to love Chicago dogs(haven't tried them until portillos opened). I also got to try a few bites of my boyfriends italian beef sandwich but he didn't get the peppers at all so now I have to make a separate trip to try it with the peppers soon. I'm obsessed with the jumbo dogs and also have to try it charred just to see how that is (even though I'm not a crazy fan about burnt food.). The french fries were decent nothing that made me want to run for the hills and scream about it. Between the jumbo Chicago hot dog and the italian beef I think that has me hooked enough. Still need to try more on the menu since it's pretty lengthy. Last night I got the chocolate cake shake and good god that's the first time I haven't been able to finish a small shake. Way too sweet for me. Definitely something that's a one and done type of thing for sure. It's definitely got all the frosting and such in the shake and the texture threw me off a bit since it's not smooth. :( not my kind of thing. Weird for me to say just too much going on in that shake for me.