I've been here a couple times. My honest assessment is that the food is average, but you come here more for the experience. By which I mean pie, obviously.
I most recently came on a Friday night after practice, at 8pm. The place was packed. I hadn't had dinner so I needed some food. Since it was Friday night, I felt like I had to get some fish fry but i was tempted by the breakfast food. That was a mistake. The fish fry is pretty mediocre. Fish is not crispy, kind of soggy and very soft inside, and essentially unflavored. The breakfast food that some of the rest of the group got looked average, but I mean that's diner food right?
That's all to say that you're coming here for the pie. They've got a pretty good selection, ranging from your fruit pies to cheesecake and silk pies. A slice is the same price for any flavor. Again, I wouldn't really consider any of the pies special - but the bit of chocolate silk I got from someone who couldn't finish her piece (I think it was the chocolate silk part of duo of silks) was not silky (fluffy) but more like a dense, creamy chocolate pie which I like much better than silk anyway!
They've also got a number of pie-related word play shirts and stickers.