After hiking through Pueblo Park last Saturday and in 2008, I have something to say. I am a fan.
Pueblo Park is a linear park that connects Rampart Boulevard to the southwest corner of Buffalo Drive at Lake Mead Boulevard in Summerlin. The main entrance and the parking lot sits at the southwest corner of Buffalo Drive at Lake Mead Boulevard. Past the parking lot, Pueblo Park begins in a grassy area with picnic tables, basketball hoops, restrooms, and the general community park amenities. West of the grassy park, Pueblo Park develops into a winding paved trail that follows an arroyo.
Regardless that Pueblo Park parallels Lake Mead Boulevard and is bordered by homes on top of hills; with the exception of two developed community parks, it is an island of nature in Summerlin. There is so much nature to see and hear. I never saw as many bunny rabbits as I did today. And these bunny rabbits were not the timid ones that run off when they see a human. There were varieties of birds. Birds are the soundtrack to a walk through Pueblo Park. There were lizards. The landscaping is candy to the eyes. Yet, there is a common sight missing at Pueblo Park. Graffiti! Kudos to the Summerlin Council for keeping on top of graffiti control.
Pueblo Park is a safe place for a short hike. The trail is paved and relatively flat. Homes border the park. Tunnels eliminate the automobile and pedestrian conflict.
Being in Summerlin it is fitting that Pueblo Park ends at a golf course. After the second tunnel (travelling from the east) the hiking trail merges with the Rampart Boulevard walking path.