| - I wavered between two and three stars. I think truthfully this is a 2.5 star place. Nothing totally objectionable or inedible, but just not my bag. I've been to Brixx up in Birkdale and I remember liking my salad. I was brand new to the area and my Realtor took me there one day after looking at apartments. Maybe I was too focused on apartment hunting to remember it clearly, but I remember liking my salad from Birkdale.
I've eaten at the uptown place twice. Both on Saturday nights while partaking in the free trivia they offer. Four stars for trivia, but I digress. The first time I had a salad and bread sticks. The bread sticks were weird. Not a fan and I love anything vaguely resembling dough! The salad was unremarkable. Not good, not bad, just kinda average. I've had better salads at Panera. Anywho, I tried a pizza the 2nd time. Again it was just meh, I've had some frozen pizzas that were better. But in the same vein I've had way worse experiences.
Will I return to Brixx in uptown....sure, I love me some trivia. But I may just drink (responsibly of course!)....don't know that I'll try the food b/c it just doesn't blow me away and both times I came away sightly disappointed.
Shout out to my server from the last time - wish I could remember her name. Well, Brixx validates parking and somehow I lost my ticket. I went back to the garage and attempted to pull a ticket on foot, but damn garage ticket dispensers are smart. They won't dispense a ticket w/o sensing a car is present. Anyway I asked my server what Brixx could do b/c I was genuinely afraid of how I'd get my car out past the gates. My server gave me her ticket, validated and everything. That was beyond. Maybe she was conning me to get a bigger tip, but I don't care...I made sure she was taken care of. I think my bill was $13 or so for my pizza, but I tipped her an extra $5. She was the bomb.
ETA - Ok I changed my review from 2 stars to 3 b/c my server was awesome. She went above and beyond. It appears as if management reads these reviews so I really wish I remembered her name b/c she deserves kudos. Maybe they'll figure it out/remember me (it was the night of the big Bruce Springsteen concert across the street at Time Warner). If not, well all I can say is the service is always great and for that I'll fondly remember Brixx in uptown.