Got a Groupon that included admission and rentals for four plus 20 tokens for games and access to the play area for $22. The kids were excited to go. Inside is a shiny and colorful wonderland. Loud music and flashing lights. Kind of a cool retro vibe. The floor/rink is huge with tons of teeny boppers (some of whom were twerking by the entrance) zipping and spinning with great skill and confidence. Everyone (the staff) was friendly and helpful. The patrons were all pretty laid back too. Every once in a while I would see an area that would make me think that this place could use a good heavy duty cleaning. The indoor play area had quite a few dust bunnies higher up towards the ceiling. The stops on the shoe rentals were worn down and the ones my wife got were quite smelly. Put all that aside, it's a fun place to take your kids for an afternoon.