My gel nails had grown out and I needed to stop somewhere that isn't my normal nail place because I wouldn't be able to get there this weekend. Sorry I stopped in here. I asked several times prior to agreeing to get my nails done if they could do a thick gel nail (my preference). Two people said yes, no problem. First, when taking off my old gel nail polish, the guy didn't want to wait to soak them off so he dipped it it acetone once and then filed my the polish off, making my fingernail so paperthin it cracked. I have strong healthy nails and after he got done, my nails were so thin and painful. He proceeded to polish them using the thinnest coats ever and I stopped him to remind him I wanted them thick (especially now that he filed my nails down so thin) and he said he can't do that. What the heck?! He got up and disappeared. Some other lady had to come finish my nails and because he did such a poor job, she had to wipe his polish off and start again. As a result, I have paperthin nails and paperthin polish on top that's not even. Awful.