I went to the Most. Awkward. Ever. dinner here with a huge group of people. It was one of those dinners where a S.O.-meets-the-'rents, and thankfully I was just on the outskirts.
Now with that setting the stage, with ex-bf's names being wrongly thrown across the table, false accusations of multiple secret families in mulitple states, and lots of bugged eyes being bugged, the food became a focus.
And a focus is desperately needed when things get cringingly awkward. And its a good thing that the food here is worthy of a focus.
Everyone's meal here was great. The service was good, and then weird, and then good again. The weird part came in when the waitress told me that I had a doppelganger living in Phoenix. I didn't believe her because I don't look like ANYONE, and then everyone told me she was just hitting on me, and THAT'S why she wouldn't stop staring. It was good service though.
Good service for good food for a meal where half the table wanted to crawl under the table and hide.
PS - Don't miss how cool the bathrooms are, if you're looking for a decent place to hide.