This "Sunny" bank has the most rules, regulation and policies that are anti-consumer than all other banks I've encountered combined. I always laugh when people want to leave 0 stars but this time I want to leave 0 stars.
"Hi, thanks for calling Third Federal, how can I brighten up your sunny day?" -- kiss my ass, that's how.
Hey, TF, how about sending me a letter saying I paid off my loan? You've had a month. How about changing my mailing address without bringing a notary into play? My loan is paid off and my account is closed - assholes - I moved , thus the new address.
World's crappiest bank -- I feel sorry for anybody who has to say that "Sunny Day" bullshit when they answer the phone.
I never missed or made a late payment and these assholes saw fit to freeze my equity line of credit rendering it useless. When I asked them why, they said it was due to "external factors." WTF does that mean? I paid you on time -- period -- end.
I'm so happy to be done with this shitty bank in BF Ohio. Low interest rates don't mean shit if you can't get to your equity.