| - An absolute nightmare! Shame on me for returning to this office after years of being pressured by Dr. Hansen to have surgery on my feet when all I wanted was a good pair of orthotics. Well, this time around he agreed to make me orthotics but restarted the pressure for surgery again with no regard for my desires in the matter. The first pair of orthotics took over a month to arrive. I showed up for my confirmed follow-up appointment expecting to pick up my new orthotics. I had even been told by the receptionist the day before that they were in. Well, I showed up for my appointment, and there were no orthotics! They had never come in! So I left with no apology whatsoever. The doctor simply blamed it all on the lab. When I came back the following week, the pair had been made as a hard, half length pair; not the soft, full length pair Dr. Hansen had originally promised! So, once again I was back to square one, with nothing to show for all my time, money and aggravation! Dr. Hansen told me to temporarily use the half pair that had come in. After two hours of wearing them, I pulled a muscle on my hip area and spent Christnas week in bed in extreme pain and unable to walk because of how poorly made the pair was! Thanks doc! I am still sore and walking with a heavy limp. Hopefully I didn't tear a ligament because of the faulty orthotics. Out of curiosity, I called the lab that the doctor uses to ask why there had been so many glitches. It was a fair question. After all, this lab was paid $650 from my insurance company for these orthotics and Dr. Hansen was handing them all the blame. The lab then called Dr. Hansen who immediately called me to rant and rave at me like a madman! His manner was scary, like he was going berserk! All because I called a company to inquire about the delays and design problems with my paid orthotics! Take my advice and run! Dont walk away from this knife happy surgeon - run, run, RUN!! And don't make the mistake I made and go back. Run!