Let me preface this by saying I am a beginner hiker. I believed my boyfriend when he told me this was an easy trail. Grabbed my favorite water bottle and set out for a nice, simple morning hike. O. M. G. Once we got down and I had somehow survived, I saw the sign that said the trail was EXTREMELY DIFFICULT.
It was a very busy trail which was a downfall for someone like me who was having to step off the trail every couple minutes to let people pass as it is also narrow in most places. The hike was very tough but enjoyable if for nothing else than the views at the top. One downfall, at the top I set down my Hydroflask water bottle to snap some pictures and someone walked off with it. Who does that? I was then left missing my favorite water bottle AND had no water to get back down the mountain.
I will go back at some point but would like to prepare by doing some more moderate hikes to get my endurance level up since this was much more than I bargained for.