As much as I want to give this doctor 5 stars, I can't. I had a great experience with the staff. I can say I am kind of an expert in this area because I had to be there a couple of times a week after my outpatient the surgery for deviated septum. I thought Dr lubritz was wonderful too in his caring and checking back with me etc. Probably because he knew that someone messed up.
All that said, it doesn't change the fact that I got staph infection from the surgery. I went to the surgery day center for my procedure. I was on 5 different antibiotics afterwards,(not at the same time) and had to see an infectious disease specialist.$$$$$ and time. I was off work for a month and under a doctor's care for 3. I originally was supposed to be off for a week and a half. My nose still hurts to touch it in some places.
Basically a thing I waited my whole adult life to be able to do, turned into a huge big crazy mess and not in a good way. Everyone said this would be life changing for me and I guess it was. It kind of traumatized me. That's a bit life changing for sure!! People said having my septum corrected
would be amazing. Before the surgery I had a 90 percent blockage in my right nostril. Of course it should have been miraculous!! It should have changed my life for the better!!
Don't get me wrong, I can breathe now. That's pretty cool I have never been able to breathe in my whole life. I can actually take a deep breath now. So that's all good.
I still don't feel like it was worth it. I regret going to Dr lubritz. Something that was supposed to be wonderful turned into a nightmare and I am still struggling with pain and discomfort, soreness in my nose. I should go back to the Dr to have him look at it but I can't bring myself to do it. My surgery was in August. It's now December. After writing this I realized I am just going to find a different doctor I guess. Anyways......I cannot recommend this doc. Unfortunately.