| - If you're into hot yoga, this is a pretty good place for it. I sweat like the dickens so I absolutely MUST have a shower afterwards (I really don't get people who don't shower after a hot yoga class, who just simply throw on a sweatshirt and walk out afterwards, like they just did nothing) and the facilities here are both spacious and numerous. Lots of locker-room space, lots of lockers, lots of shower stalls, free spiced tea in the front lobby area, a gigantic grey dog named Baba who greets you, all work in favor for this location of Moksha Yoga.
There are many classes all throughout the day, unlike some studios who only seem to schedule and have classes which cater to trophy wives instead of students and working professionals.
Some of the classes get super packed, esp. those with a live DJ, and I've noticed that some people are completely oblivious to spatial intelligence in these classes, and that's never fun but if you go to off-hour classes, it's not bad at all.