Signed up with my dad when we both moved to the area. Offered us a deal if we would both sign up so Dad said he would cover it. Months after leaving the state, I get a call from collections agency on behalf of the gym for some random late charge. So essentially, they put a collections notice out tied to my name for something I was never paying for. Spoke to the girl at the front desk who defended this practice instead of maybe just saying sorry and giving me the number for their central customer service line.
Worth noting that during the time I was attending the club, the manager was offering a free month for anyone that would give them a positive Yelp review. Ha! Went in for their "free assessment" where I was berated into signing up for personal training. Trained with a pretty decent guy for 3 months (although the nature of his background and qualifications were completely misrepresented by his manager), who has since left the gym and has nothing nice to say about the gym. There is a very high staff turnover at this place.