The short of it- I had a receipt. I had articles of clothing one still tagged the other tag perfect, placed in the shorts and both articles of clothes clearly never worn. I also had a tank top clearly poorly constructed. I had one if there tank tops on and they could verify purchase I have made at lulu lemon verifying that I have spent enough money there.
The two young ladies could've done something for me but chose not too. They can hide behind the store policy but in the end it only effects there bottom line because I will continually be buying gym clothes and outer wear for the rest of my life but no longer at lulu lemon and I will be vocal to my friends to spend money on another brand names that's just as good.
I don't mean to look down upon retail managers. It's a fun job. But to take yourselves seriously and look down on your customers automatically as cheats. Is just simple minded.
The long of it -
To give me no options except to have me walk out with my bag of two shorts that were badly sewn in the butt- that also had a verification of purchase and also walkout with my expensive tank top that also is constructed poorly? Shows Lululemon is nothing special and their clothes doesn't last any longer then sears, gap, old navy or Jc penny's sports clothing. They could've verified my other purchases but they didn't care too. I understand return policies. I get it but that's also with the expectations that the clothes are going to last and have no issues.
The managers were nice but in the big picture they'll be gone in a year or two on to another business But my review and vocal disappointment will still be echoing.
You know? Nordstrom is expensive but it's nice to return or want to exchange something and not have people treat you like you're a cheat trying to cheat the system.
Most people just want value and many of us find a brand and stick with it.
I'm disappointed but now I have the opportunity to look around and find another brand.
Again in the long run Lulu lemon lost a good customer off of a $120 dollar exchange?