Now, we don't do our grocery shopping here because that is quite the expensive tab, but it is a wonderful place for unique items, easy dinners and super refreshing iced green tea. This store has EVERYTHING you would need from a cooking utensil to a quick gift. AJ's isn't huge but it has so much to offer. We especially love the fresh salad bar that we frequent often. It's just the right amount of offerings which includes fresh fruits and not the melons (which I despise) like most salad bars. It has ready made hot meals, a wonderful desserts selection and as mentioned before super delicious iced green tea. AJ's seems to feature a multitude of local businesses which we really love. I would give this AJ's a 5 star rating however the staff can be a little edgy sometimes and the prices are a bit higher than I would like. Overall, a super great grocery that I always have fun going through all the goodies they offer.