During my a Weekend in Cleveland, my Yelp friend decided to visit Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum as a detour in between food and beer.
I love the set up and the architectural aspect of the Museum. The centre atrium feels like a giant sun room that will give you a view of the water and especially enjoyable on a nice sunny day. There are also interesting sculptures and displays that are music related all around the common area.
Not everything on display here would wow you. But I did enjoy their collections of vintage guitars that were used by some of the great musicians. The costumes were fun to look at too and might be even inspiration for some.
I just wish there was more music, more visual stimulation and not just reading and more reading of history. I can really do that online at home.
I would suggest come on a Wednesday when the Museum opens late till 9 pm. Your wrist band does give you in and out privileges. And if you feels overloaded, you can always chill out at the Cafe and enjoy a bottle of beers....