| - I decided to write this review after my second visit to this vet.
* The folks working there are very friendly.
* Close to home
* Up-sell and mark-ups galore! It's kind 'a like taking your car to a dealership for repairs (NEVER take your car to the dealership for repairs!) where the bill comes at you with a ton of questionable charges that instantly creates a "jaw drop" effect on your face.
I brought Bello (my pampered Mini Schnauzer) in to put a fix on a licking and scratching problem that was making us BOTH crazy. I did a ton of online research beforehand -- I do this before seeing a doc for many of MY ailments as well -- and the culprit appeared to be a bacterial/fungal issue.
The vet's assistant took Bello's temperature -- from behind, and then left me in the room to have to explain to poor Bello why dogs get their temperatures taken from behind. After a bit, the vet came in, did a lightning fast eval, and left. 10 or so minutes later, I get a bill with an extensive list of thing's they want to do to/for him. One of the charges was for an extensive checkup. This "EXTENSIVE" checkup lasted less than 2 minutes.
They wanted to take cultures, put him on two expensive meds, charge me $27 dollars for a bottle of anti-bacterial/fungal shampoo, and the list went on and on. That's when I asked them to remove everything on that list but the $67 fee for the visit. Later that day, I went to a local pet store and found a similar medicated shampoo for about $9.
Meantime, Bello has done very well on the $9 shampoo. His scratching and licking has stopped, and I was able to buy him a bunch of doggie treats and a cozy new doggie bed -- which he absolutely appreciated -- with money I saved on the up-sell and mark-ups.
Questions Bello asked me after the visit:
* Why is my dog doctor as expensive as your people doctor?
* Why does my dog doctor up-sell customers and mark-up products/services?
* Why did you let that lady put a thermometer up my butt?