This is the FIRST acupuncture clinic that was LEGALIZED in the nation.,9171,945215,00.html
Lok Yee Kung is Peter Lok's father.
Dr. Lok gets to the point and he'll be up front with you if he can help you or not. I HAD plantar fasciitis (irriation and swelling in your heel/foot area). After my 2nd treatment I could tell my heel wasn't giving me as much pain as before. After my 6th treatment, I was seriously amazed that my heel wasn't randomly shooting pain.
I haven't had to wait in the waiting room for more than 5 minutes. Friendly, helpful staff.
20-25 minutes for an acupuncture treatment may seem a little short, but it makes sense that you can't over stimulate your nerves.
Sadly, not all insurance companies and medicare will cover acupuncture and who knows why!?
Remember acupuncture is not instant relief! It takes time to heal your nerves just like your body.