I've been here several times before on previous visits to Town Square and each time, I was overwhelmed by all of the organizing options in my face. Closets crammed full of clothes and other crap? Come to TCS! Kitchen vomiting on itself? Come to TCS! Need a new phone cover? Er...come to TCS and check out the bargain bin in the front of the store (I saw a few cases for $5 each.). I bought a bamboo cutlery tray on my most recent visit and am very happy with the look and feel of said tray. The salesclerk seemed pretty happy to assist me in my task and the store is clean and um, organized (but huge!). Frankly, a lot of the containers one might need for organizing can be found cheaply elsewhere (Target, I mean you), so I don't see myself frequenting TCS a lot. I think it would be prudent to have a list and a very good idea of what you want/need prior to stepping inside TCS, otherwise it will be too easy to get very distracted. Or perhaps that's just me! In any case, it's fun to look around if you have the time and patience, but I'd rather save my pennies and buy most of the containers and other related gadgets somewhere less spendy.