Let's face the facts. Most movies these days suck. Hollywood is running out of ideas. Movies about comic book characters, movies about old TV shows, the same old horror film with the same creepy kid, romantic comedies that are neither romantic nor funny, and action films where explosions act as filler for a vacant plot. All of these movies are being made by business executives first and artists second. And it doesn't end there. On the off chance that Hollywood miraculously makes a great film they quickly ruin it by making a disgusting and embarrassing sequel (see Hangover Part 2). South Park had it right, George Lucas and Steven Speilberg raped Indiana Jones. Movie producers are raping all of our intellects every time they release another sloppy bucket of hamster vomit otherwise known as "the summer blockbuster". And yes.. I'm talking to you Jerry Bruckheimer!..You Jacka$$!
One way to avoid being raped by another vapid, money sucking movie studio is to watch movies at the Camelview 5. You could close your eyes and throw a dart at the marquee here and end up watching an original, intelligent, and entertaining film. This is where I saw Napoleon Dynamite before everyone started buying "Vote for Pedro" t-shirts. This is where I saw No Country for Old Men before it took home four Oscars. This is where I saw The Smartest Guys in the Room before it was cool to know all about financial scandals on Wall Street. I could go on and on. I have been living in the Valley for over 10 years now and almost every great movie memory I have during that time emanates from the Camelview 5.