| - What can I say? It's an Auto shop! While talking to the guy, I felt that he actually cared about my car and was going to do his best to get it up and running perfectly. He did a timely job changing my oil and if that is all you are looking for, then by all means check them out. However DO NOT go here to have your car diagnosed and told what is wrong with it. For example I kept hearing a metallic sound while I drove and while I thought it had something to do with my rear breaks, I second guessed myself and said it wasn't it. When I took my car in to have the oil changed, I asked them to please take a look and see what was going on. After a few mins, i was told it was my rear wheel bearings and that I needed to change them. I then asked him to please check my brakes and he said either way i would have to change my bearings. I said thank you and then turned around and ordered the bearings, since my BF told me he would make the changes. When I got my car to my BF's house he looked at me and said the same thing i thought, "that sounds more like your rear brakes, but let's take a look". we took the wheels off and look at brakes, there was hardly any padding on them and i was almost down to the bare metal. without going any further, we changed the brakes, and started driving around. It's been 3 months now, and I have yet to hear the same metallic noise or any noise for that matter. So my diagnosis that was supposed to cost me $350, ended up costing me $20 and 1 hour of labor. But good job at changing my oil. :-)