| - They used to be sympathetic & attentive to the patient's needs, but now they have become an assembly line corporate run hell house.. I am trying to relocate to another state. These jerks have been uncooperative to the point of being deliberately sabotaging the move. They have continually changed their policies, and have NEVER put ONE change in writing. I never know what to expect when I walk through the door now. I will admit Dr. Turley is very good at administering the injections. It is a pity they do not work for me though. I always refuse(d) anesthetic when getting the injections. I dislike being incapacitated, so I refuse any drugs that get me high. I have been dealing with lawyers, and need to keep a clear head. Dr. Turley did a great job administering the injections. I found no real need to use any strong anesthesia at all. Turley is just that good, but the injections only work for about 5 days, after the pain from the injections goes away. When cold air hits my back after the injections, it feels like someone put a branding iron on my back, so they just do not work for me. I am sure Dr. Turley is probably following "corporate policy". I don't know. Lately these people have been pulling another new violation to their rules out of their ass every time I visit. I am looking desperately for another provider, in Colorado and or Arizona. TPC is NOT cooperating with the other pain management doctors, and has been adding an new transgression to my records every visit, making the move all but impossible. I do not care. I will endure whatever it takes to get as far away from these a--holes as possible. They have gone from heroes to zeros in my book. I will contact the medical board and a patient's advocacy groups, and their lawyers with my concerns. TPC was wonderful to me in the beginning, and then they stared doing less, and less. It was still tolerable, up until I tried to leave. Now they have become total asses. They run everyone through like they are inoculating cattle now, with zero regard for any patient's special needs, or extraordinary situations. I have NEVER run out of my meds, early. I have never diverted my meds, lost my meds or even had a bottle with the doctor's name on it go missing. I hold a very serious bond of trust with my doctor(s) that I will keep both of us out of any trouble. That bond works both ways, and when it ceases to do so, it is time for me to move on. I cannot recommend this establishment to anyone anymore, and anyone who I did refer to TPC, please contact me, if you wish to leave too. I can think of at least 15 referrals, I made. I am very careful who I will refer to anyone. Anyone with dubious character, I will not even acknowledge anything about anything to. That is part of that trust I like to keep between me and my doctors. If I cannot trust them to honor letters they signed, and agreements they made, making changes on a whim, with no protocol in writing, it shows me I am going to a bunch of money hungry tyrants, with no regard for helping do anything but make the payments on their new BMWs.