| - Came here on a Saturday eve with the luminescent Elizabeth, kind of a spur of the moment decision. I've passed by the joint perhaps 700 times and have never ventured in.
We ventured.
Despite a somewhat "Get the Fuc% out of our store" aura (they seemed as if they were closing it no longer 24hr...?), the staff *acted* pleasant, and sat us in a comfy booth by the window. If you've got a comfy booth by the window, I'm probably going to like your it was a good start.
I took a chance and got one of their specials, a mushroom ravioli in cream+prosciutto sauce with peas. Elizabeth got a Santa Fe wrap.
So...for a diner...the dish was pretty freaking good! The sauce congealed nicely, not too runny, and there were 5-6 raviolis in there that broke into 4 bites each. I'd definitely order it again.
Elizabeth's wrap was...oh crap...I forgot to ask her how her food was. Man, I can be a tool sometimes. It wasn't on purpose though...I just forgot...I forget a lot of little things like that. Crap.
As we were wrapping it up, the aura grew a bit thicker, as they clearly wanted us the fuc% out of their store. We left in peace.
Dope spot. I'll be back, I'm sure.