I would totally give this facility 5 stars except...they are so amazingly aggressive in their calling that I have recently sworn them off. It's a shame because I like giving blood, it helps me feel better to get the old sludge out and I know they desperately need my blood type.
They have friendly, professional, and knowledgeable phlebotomists and unlike other facilities who don't incentivize donors, they often have free show tickets and other gift promotions. This facility also stocks the best snacks. Any place that still has Snackwells sandwich cookies is a win in my book.
But less about snacks and how your donation will come back to haunt you. For example, the straw that broke the camel's back for me; I had gone out of the country for 6 weeks and was not checking my voicemail daily. They filled my voicemail to capacity in less than a week with messages that weren't even friendly. They were downright demanding and rude. I was not even eligible to donate at the time due to their own qualification standards; I wasn't due for over a month from the time of the calls. When I called them (an international call) to ask them to stop filling my voicemail by leaving two minute messages, they assured me that they would pull my phone number and stop. Guess what happened then...?
I won't donate there again. Anyone else looking for some O- CMV- blood? I have some to give...but I won't be giving my phone number.