I was in Canonsburg for a church meeting today. I drove through Cecil and remembered hearing about an amazing Korean restaurant in this town. On the way home from my meeting, I thought why not stop by The Golden Pig for lunch? I am so glad I stopped by!
This 10 seat restaurant is presided by the most colorful Korean lady. I didn't catch her name but wow, was she entertaining!
I got there at 1pm and it was still pretty packed. And as I was finishing up, there was another couple and a family of 5 trying to get in for a late lunch.
I wanted to order just about everything on the menu. It's a short menu, but all my Korean favorites. I finally settled on the Daiji Bulgogi ($7.50) - Thin-sliced marinated pork in a spicy red pepper glaze. Absolutely delicious and it came with a great assortment of banchan (Korean side dishes - seaweed and chives and kimchi). The Daiji Bulgogi was just perfectly spicy. The last time I had this was in Seoul last summer and it totally brought me back there in my first bite.
My bill came to $9.00 pre-tip and I ordered a Diet Coke. I will have to make the trip to Cecil more often when I get my Korean food craving - which seems to be more often than not these days!
Why not take the trip off the beaten path and give this place a shot? I would never have guessed finding exceptional Korean food in a sleepy little town like Cecil. It was like being back in Seoul - an incredible feat for a one woman show serving the dining room and cooking up classic soul satisfying Korean food at the same time!