So many food trucks, so little time. Whenever I can find one to try I am beyond happy. Admittedly The Naaco Truck has been on my radar for awhile.
Opportunity came at the Sundown Chowdown and Bloggers Bake Sale at the Calgary Farmer's Market. I was there in the rain, waiting my turn since a little rain never deters this former Vancouverite from good eats.
I immediately appreciated their simple selections as I didn't have to agonize over what to try. I narrowed it down to 2 choices (pulled pork or chipotle chickpea) and asked the guy in the truck to decide for me. Chipotle Chickpea it was to be.
Bright colours, tantalizing aromas and delightful taste. Everything I expected. Left happy and inspired to create my own Wanaaco (Wanda's naan taco).