| - I would give no starts if possible. When I first arrived the vibe was ok; the Vietnamese people were pretty stand off ish, but the older woman who worked in their hair salon was very cheery. I went in for a pedicure, even opted for the "Deluxe" pedi for $35! Worst decision ever. While one lady was working on my feet another came up to, practically touching my face pointing at my dimple piercings and laughing to some other woman in their language. I could have lived with that.... What got me was the end. They took me to let my toes dry under the lamp and I wasn't sitting there for more than 10 minutes and the lady comes over and tells me "$35 cash?" I said "no, card." She said ok and just stood there. So, apparently it's time for me to pay... She takes my card and swipes it. I was already irritated with the atmosphere and how much they were rushing me, but THEN this lady has the nerve to ask me, across the counter and across the table I was sitting at (in ear shot of everyone mind you) "How much tip? Cash or card?" Like, not only did you rush the shit outta me, she's basically demanding her tip. I said cash. NOW she tells me to go over to her to put my pin # in. My toes are STILL not dry. It was so irritating. I put my pin in, signed the stupid receipt, and told them "it's very rude of you guys to rush customers out the door so fast" she smiles... After I got my receipt she's staring at me waiting for her tip, I did not give her anything. I'm glad I didn't. I got outside to see her work and it was atrocious! Up close you can see the sides of the nails she missed, the crooked ass cut job and excess paint left on the side of my big toes! Not only that, my feet felt even more dry than when I first got there! They were a little dry prior, but when I got home and saw the bottom.... I couldn't believe it. And this was with the DELUXE PEDI! Imagine if I would have got the cheap one? It was horrible.
This salon has inspired me to start doing my own pedis!