The beds are old. No new equipment. No radios. But it is so close to my house. I signed up for a package in February and they told me that I could put it on hold for the summer and use it again in the winter. So I noticed on Friday that my card was charged anyway. I called right away and left a message for the manager with Andra. Andra said that I am on hold until Sept and has no idea why I was charged. Andra said she would email the manager to call me. No call back. Called that night and spoke to Kylie, she said she would call the managers cell phone and I should get a call the next day. No call back. Called this morning again and spoke to Andra again and she said she has done everything she can and she cant help it that the manager wont call me back. This is ridiculous. I just called my credit card company and put a fraud alert on it and they will fight it with them. Do not sign up for a package that auto renews as they obviously do not know how to handle it.