Total flash back to Ben Stillers "Meet the Parents ", especially if you remember the blank stare the gate attendant gave him.
Extremely poor service at PHX Sky Harbor. Flights were landed and we're backed up at the gates, only to have passengers with connecting flights miss their plane. When I got to the gate the plane was still there. Apparently they wouldn't let me on because they sold my seat and closed the door. They changed my gate number twice and never notified me , even though I signed up for their notifications. I ran to 2 separate gates in different concourses. The girl sent me to customer service instead of helping me. Customer service booked me on a flight 4.5 hours later.
I thought I would try US Airways instead of Southwest and now I know why I usually use Southwest.
It's whether care or don't. Actions speak louder than words.
(Written while waiting for my flight)