| - I've been to El Super about 2 or 3 times but I never check in b/c its not added online. I go to the 24 Hour Fitness that's caddy corner to this place. Although it is easier to just go next door to Liborio, I go across the way to El Super b/c I've heard good things about their items especially about their produce. Super cheap!
PRODUCE: Red delicious apples were 2 lbs for 99cents! Bradenton apples for 79cents/lb. What the? that's HALF of what walmart or most stores charge, heck less than half. I also bough Pinalinaza which last time I saw this for sale inside King Ranch Market (which is now called something else btw) it was $13.99. Maybe that was a typo b/c today I only paid $4.99 for it., oh and Tajin which is a red chile spice you can sprinkle on all kinds of produce from sweet fruits to cucumbers to pineapple to everythin in betweena and its utterly addictive. If you've never tried it, they sell fruit cups with it sprinkled on it with lime -usually for $4.00- or you can buy your won fruit here for fractions of that and cut it up yourself and go crazy. to me its a great way to start eating more whole foods again.
this is as far as I got, more updates to come soon but I'm trying to eat better and sticking to the "perimeter of the store" rule to not eat as many processed foods, and this place is a great place for that b/c the produce was the best deals I saw. And since I'm a broke college student I got only what I needed by not letting myself get a cart. I got 2 lbs of apples, Tajin, green tea, pinalinaza, mole, tomatoes all for $10. cant beat it with a stick.
which im sure they sell there as well!