Great wine, delicious food, and fun bartenders all set in a relaxing and welcoming atmosphere (loved the outdoor seating). The lost stars go to closing time. They closed at 11pm (it was a Friday night) and it really surprised me that about 10 minutes 'till they start pushing you out and it was what appeared to be the manager who was doing most of the pushing. As a bartender and someone who has worked in the service industry for years, I understand wanting people to leave so you can go home. However, this is not a shady bar with people drinking crappy beer or somewhere where the drunks come to frolic. We were a party of eight with only half glasses of wine left and it was 11:02pm when they made us leave. Let me repeat that-- 11:02. Fifteen minutes past closing to finish up rather than waste the wine is not too much to ask for. It took away a bit from the pride of the wine that I feel the winery probably has for itself. I'll definitely be back; it's a really cool place. Closing time was just very....odd. I've never seen something like that except from drunken bars at 2:30am- it surprised me. So, go and be merry and if you're going anytime near close just be prepared and bring your beer bong to finish up (googling wine bongs now to see if that's a thing)!!