| - I've been a member for about three, four years now. I regularly use the PC West and occasionally the PC Express on Segoe. Let's get the good out of the way first because it won't take as long. Also, I wanted to say that I was in the Marines for five years, and I'm a mom of three kids, so my tolerance level for dirt and annoying things/people is fairly high. Just know that going into this review.
- My kids are 9, 7, and 4, and they like the kids club. The hours are probably better than most of the other gyms in town because they are open most of the day on Sat/Sunday as well.
- It's nice to have the west/east/express options all available in one membership.
- Price is cheaper than most other gyms if you need childcare.
- They bought out the rest of my Anytime Fitness membership (by giving us a monthly discount) when we decided we really, really needed a gym with childcare.
-Wifi is good.
Okay let's move on to the bad. My membership expires on the 31st so this will be a nice cathartic review.
-It usually takes me several tries to get an elliptical I'm happy with, because they'll be clicking in a weird way or feel lopsided or make weird noises.
-They could put cardio equipment upstairs that people actually want to use, instead of using it as an equipment graveyard. This would allow mroe room for free weights.
-The hot tub is something I really want to be able to use, because I get really sore from weight lifting. However, it feels like it has tons of chemicals in it. I think they dump more chemicals in it just to avoid cleaning it, because you can literally see the dirt rings along the water line. Many times you can find a nice surprise like a dirty band-aid floating by too.
-The steam room was broken for a LONG time. They finally fixed it, but I don't think it's a lot cleaner than the other areas of the pool.
Locker Rooms
-The lockers are okay, the insides are often dirty.
-The shower area is the grossest part to me because that's where the smell really is.
-The mirror stations don't have vanity (or any) lights! This is really inconvenient for doing makeup.
-Toilets: several of them are usually broken or out of order.
-There are no family locker rooms. Even though the signs clearly say that boys over the age of (2? 4?) cannot be in the women's locker room, I've seen like 6,7, 8 year old boys in there and so I guess people do whatever they want. It makes people uncomfortable to have a kid who's old enough to surf the internet staring at them as they're getting dressed, ugh.
-Terrible gym etiquette. People hog equipment, leave weights on equipment to "reserve" it while doing something else and coming back, making the workout twice as long. Take all the time they want, sitting there not doing anything on their phones. Also people use weights/machines/areas for other purposes than intended. I've seen a woman lying down stretching in a really weird way on a flat bench. Thought she was gearing up for arm day but NOPE. Curling on the squat racks when it's super busy, things like that.
-Only four squat racks for a huge gym! Free weights area is super crowded especially at peak times, I've had to wait forever to get my leg routine done :(
- Padding and things for lots of the machines are splitting, broken, and need repair.
- Maintenance staff nowhere to be found. Some dumb lady pushed the emergency shutoff for the hot tub so she could look for her kid's goggles (don't even get me started) and we called up to the front desk several times, no one arrived to turn it back on in at least 40 minutes. No idea what happened after that because we left.
-"Make Believers" church, yes I know it's Metro Believers, it's just weird to have it in the gym. I would be mad if I were a basketball person, plus the kids club looks directly over it and I don't want my little freethinkers being indoctrinated. But I guess they have to make more money right?
-I would like to take classes if any were offered at a convenient time for normal working hours. Spin class was good, I tried an aerobics class and it was so embarrassing, I felt like I was in an exercise video from the 80s! Would have liked to try their barre class but couldn't due to the time.
-It just gets really crowded. Thankfully the January influx every year is mostly cardio/machine people which doesn't affect me. Still too crowded in the weight area overall.
Princeton Club Express Segoe: Fine if you just need an elliptical or treadmill. IF you can find one that doesn't click weird and annoy you. NO squat rack, only smith machines there and I don't like that. If you want to get squats or benches in, good luck getting your workout in in time if there's someone else there. It's very small, and there is often a really rank smell, like indian food mixed with BO, especially back in the corner by the weight area.