Service great, decor a step above the Valley norm and presentation make this one of the best all round Thai meals I've had in the region.
Thai hot? Sorry but Touch of Thai and The Thai house in the north and the north west of Phoenix respectively equal them and I had stressed me craving/ need/ addiction to experience such. I.E.,That's why I was at a Thai place to begin with since Indian eateries appear to have conceded their heat advantage to pander to local tastes.
. It tasted really good though and only decorum , and a wife that would have stabbed me for doing this, prevented me from licking out the bowl:)
The ginger dish that my partner had was very very light in the ginger department but was pretty good otherwise and everything was as fresh as I've seen within the valley.
So is it worth a 30 mile drive on a regular basis? Not based on this single experience but it's good enough to my Thai go to when in the region.