| - We had to do laundry and my daughter had a LOT built up, including three sets of king size sheets and clothes from four people. A friend of hers suggested she try this place because the place she usually goes to (aside from the apartment building) only has five machines. It was Saturday and they might have been busy, too.
Diamondback Coinless had a lot of washers and dryers and some of their machines could hold 2-3-4-6-or 8 loads at a time for a higher cost, saving waiting time. We got it all done in four washers I think, and two or three dryers. Two hours after we got there and $14 less in her pockets we were walking back out. She threw a few damp clothes in the dryers at the apartments but otherwise it was all done in pretty short time.
Their regular washers were $1.25 unless you went in on Tuesdays and Thursdays when it drops to 79 cents per load for regular top-loading washers. Drying was 50 cents per 11 minutes, not cheap but the dryer held a ton of clothes. The assistant, who looked Indian or maybe Pakistani was VERY helpful as we fumbled through a myriad of errors including, but not exclusive to, opening up a front loading washer she had added soap to by mistake instead of the one she had her clothes in, dumping out half a washerful of suds and water on the laundry floor. We were frantically throwing sheets on the floor to soak up the sudsy mess before it could spread too far! It was like a scene from a Lucille Ball show.
The place was very clean and the assistant kept up by sweeping the floor periodically. She probably would have had to sweep up less stuff if they just placed a trash basket under each work table so you didn't have to search the whole place and walk across the entire room to throw your trash away. There were 2 or 3 video games to keep kids occupied, a machine that dispensed tattoos for 75 cents, and a corner for smaller children where they had kid videos playing--in this case the good old Disney movie, Jungle Book. That helped the six-year old pass some of the time.